Tweaks & Apps Compatibles con el Jailbreak iOS 8.1
por 23 de octubre del 2014 4:00 PM EDT
A continuación una lista completa de todas las tweaks y apps compatibles con el Jailbreak iOS 8.1
Tienes un tweak / app que no esta en esta lista. ¡Comenta!
- AlphaBadge
- BatteryStatusBar
- Barrel
- Bars
- BayBrowser 2
- BluePill
- BlurryBadges
- Boxy 2
- ClassicDock
- CleverPin
- CustomLS
- Cylinder
- DisableLockCamera
- DockShift
- DotsGoDown
- Eclipse
- Filza
- FlipControlCenter (rotation lock toggle triggers safemode)
- f.lux
- Flex 2 Beta
- GhostPref
- HideMe7
- Hide Newsstand iOS 7.1.x
- iCleaner/Pro
- Impulse
- KeyShortcut Pro
- LabelShift
- LockHTML 3
- Mobius
- Nitrous
- NewTerm
- No Percent Sign
- NoLockBounce
- NoSpot iOS 7
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- Phantom for Snapchat
- Power Tap
- PreferenceLoader
- PreferenceOrganizer 2 (Tweaks are placed in the wrong section)
- QuickPass
- SameStatus
- ShowCase
- SpotLock
- StatusHUD 2
- StatusPeek
- SubtleLock (iOS 7) (can’t hide NC and CC grabbers)
- SwipeSelection
- SwipeExpander (Pop up keys are a tiny bit broken but other than that it works fine)
- TabLess
- TransparentVolume
- Virtual Home
- Winterboard
- Youtubed
- Zeppelin
No funcionan
- Activator is broken
- Aria does not work
- AppSync Unified (Aplicaciones do not install)
- Auki doesn’t work
- Auxo 2 (crashes to safemode)
- BrowserChooser – Browser selection menu is blank.
- CCControls – Causes safe mode when any toggles are pressed.
- CCToggles causes safe mode
- ClassicLS does not work it seems
- Cloaky does not work
- CrashReporter (ironically) crashes on launch.
- Display Recorder does not work; it depends on iOS firmware less than 7.9
- EqualizerEverywhere no equalizer in cc
- Fancy (Crashes to safemode)
- Five Icon Dock depends IconSupport depends iOS Firmware << 8.0
- iFile is broken (crashes on launch)
- libstatusbar (no icons show)
- Mobile Terminal (Crash on launch)
- Multitasking Gestures doesn’t work (hard crash)
- NoAnnoyance (Crashes to safemode)
- Polus causes crash to safe mode
- Powerdown (Crashes to safemode)
- Remote Messages
- SleekSleep doesn’t work (crashes springboard)
- Springtomize 3 nothing changes
- TetherMe (Crashes the Settings app)
- TinyBar (Crashes to safemode)
Funcionan parcialmente:
- Centered (works, but causes weird graphical glitch when sliding down NC)
- DailyPaper works (tapping «update now» in the prefpane crashes settings app but the tweak works)
- Stride says error loading pref bundle